Sunday 1 April 2018

Spring Bluebells

       Happy spring everyone! What with the snow storms, freezing temperatures and miserable rain it hasn't felt particularly goods so far. This time last year I was wandering around the woods out the back of Wild Place in Bristol taking photos of some lovely bluebells with my film camera. 

I use a Minolta X-300 with a Tamron 28mm f2.4 and Minolta 50mm f1.7. I love the 50mm for its beautiful depth of field, it really helps the bluebells stand out. 

These are all taken on Fujifilm Superia ISO 100 film bought expired on Ebay. I so far have been lucky enough with expired film that it still always gives me good results even if I have no idea how old it is. 

These photos make me miss the warmth and sun! It is 7 degrees outside and I was still deicing my car last week, I wish spring would hurry up.