Monday 9 September 2013

Templar Publishing Paper Watch Project

Today I have been working on something for a charity project run by Templar Publishing. As part of a bid to raise £5000 for Breast Cancer Care they have asked various illustrators to decorate a paper watch to be sold at auction. 

I set about doing some sketches for ideas

I decided to add colour using some metallic embellishment pens which have a 3D effect on the paper

Before moving onto my final watch:

I added an extra bit because the flowers weren't big enough on the watch face ;) 

You can see some images of the other watches over here on their facebook page! 

1 comment:

  1. Your watch is really lovely and I love all your photos of the making process. I have done a watch too.


Hi, I always like receiving comments so cheers in advance :) josie xx