Sunday 16 June 2013

Degree Show Prep and Private View

So I had my final assessment just over a week ago and since then I have been doing a lot of eating, drinking, being lazy, and also freaking out about the fact that actually I still had things to do to finish off my degree show walls...

We were locked out of the studio until thursday afternoon when everyone came in and started to hang all of their final work. I had cards to print and glitter up (never thought putting glitter on cards would be stressful - I was wrong...). I also had to iron some more wrapping paper and finish labelling many things for the pop up shop.

Got some photos of people's work going up:

Ben and Joe making a playlist and disliking me with my camera...

Andjela's  zodiac wrapped presents

Katie Keith had a bistro set out to show off her icecream prints.

Jenny M has been printing lots of tshirts.

I was pretty knackered and may have tested out my cushions before putting them on display

And now for the opening night!! Such a stressful day as I was organising the bar and running around with bags of ice cubes and plastic cups. 

Cakes were out

Booze was being poured

Shop was stocked

We took some cheeky photos of us with our walls before it got too busy! Here is me with all my work and a glass of pimms (yay!)

Jess with hers

and Holly.

The tutors then did illustration awards which were proper trophies of golden eagles! Super awesome, all were well deserved :).  
After this the photos end up a little bit more silly because of all the free cider, wine and champagne so not sure they are suitable for here... 

maybe just the one... 

The degree show is open 10-5 every day from now until June 26th so if you can come see it, there is all sorts of work up, from fine art and illustration to graphics and 3D design!


  1. Hey girl!!

    It looks amazing!! Well done you should be so proud of yourself!! :)

    Such a relief once it's all over now isn't it?!

    Hayley xo

    1. Its awesome, have not really known what to do with myself since haha

      josie x


Hi, I always like receiving comments so cheers in advance :) josie xx